首屆 g0v 年會將在 2014 年 11 月 8 日,於台北中央研究院召開。
g0v 社群運作近兩年了,從一開始,g0v 零時政府社群便以數位世代的思維,以開源方式號召群眾參與著手開發新工具、新組織型態、新合作關係,從 2012 年底以來,以科技力量促進政府透明化,在318太陽花運動期間更結合網路佈署、新媒體運用,讓開放透明理念化為實際行動。秉持著開源模式、行動主義、公民精神,讓每個人自主發揮能力專長,介入社會,產生變革。這是期待台灣的民主社會更加成熟的第一步。
開放透明 x 參與協作再進化
經過多方共同努力,透過 g0v 的開放特性作為平台,與 NGO 和政府建立了多方互動,但需要更長遠的跨領域交流。因此在今年初,我們開始籌備 g0v.tw summit 零時政府高峰會,希望有更多深入的溝通與交流,與有志運用科技改變社會的各界共同參與,期待開放力量成為實際改變的動能。
Information transparency is the root of democracy. It is also the basis of citizens' participation. One of the challenges of the internet age is to work out how to forge new collaborative relationships between government and citizens in the interest of openness and transparency and to devise new ways to handle the increasingly complex issues.
The g0v community utilizes the wisdom of the digital generation to encourage community participation and adopt hands-on approaches to develop new tools, new organizational patterns and new partnerships. Since our beginning in late 2012, we have used the power of technology to promote government transparency.
During the 318 Sunflower Movement, we combined network deployment and new media tools to apply the ideas of openness and transparency into web-enabled activism. With our commitment to open-source model, activist drive and civic spirit, we enable each individual to independently exercise their ability and skills to get involved in the community and to bring about change. We hope this also marks an important step for Taiwan’s maturation as a democratic society.
After nearly two years of hard work and through the special nature of g0v as an open platform, we have achieved many multileveled interactions with NGO and the government. However, we still need more long-term interdisciplinary exchanges. For this reason, we began planning the g0v.tw summit early this year in order to promote more in-depth communications and interactions. We seek participation from all groups interested in using technology to change the community and look forward to the power of openness to become a momentum to bring about actual change.
g0v summit 2014 will be held at the Humanities and Social Science Building, Academia Sinica, on November 8. The number of attendees is estimated to be around 650. We are now calling for 30-minute talks; please join us and share your story!
The CfP period is 7/20 - 8/31; the schedule will be announced mid-September.