☞ 為何要來
g0v.tw 每兩個月一回合黑客松,打造各式資訊透明化平台,從資料透明開始,用科技工具與開源協作參與社會。
☞ 來者何人
☞ 時間地點
時間:2014/06/21(星期六) 0900~1800
☞ 活動形式
如果你手邊已經有正在進行的計畫,或者你期待某些功能的服務,來上台作個三分鐘的簡報,找幾個志同道合的夥伴組隊,然後開始hack! 歡迎議題倡議團體帶著自己的專案來尋覓協作夥伴,資料爬梳、製作網站、懶人包、圖文創作、新媒體軟硬體等。黑客松是社會參與的實體媒合平台,以開放、開源開幹的精神提供跨界實作交流。
請注意,這不是研討會,如果你沒有參加過黑客松,請參考「我是... 如何參與黑客松」或「g0v 提案協作流程」、前期現場錄影。
- 活動共筆 wiki: http://hack.g0v.tw/g0v-hackath9n
- irc 聊天室: #g0v.tw on freenode
☞ 來幹麼
- 請參考前次活動報導: 第零次, 第壹次, 第貳次, 第參次, 第肆次, 第伍次, 第陸次, 第柒次, 第捌次
- (please add on to idea pool / 請自行加至 idea pool)
☞ 偷跑有理
☞ 關於 g0v.tw
☞ 源碼大明神香油票
[why] - come hack and patch the government by making information more available and accessible to everyone.
[who] - developers, ui designer, activists, legal experts, and citizens who want to see things changed with the use of technologies
[form] If you have a project, or you want to see something happen, make a 2-minute presentation and preach for your ideas and why this helps people. Assemble a team and hack! go to the wiki or irc channel and start sharing ideas!
[cheating encouraged] you are encouraged to start hacking before the event, and recruit people to help
[things to do]
Provide API to Information or Data that should be available to everyone. Use those data or API to do interesting things, like statistics and visualization. add your project to hackpad and find people to help.